Thursday, November 17, 2011

Five Things Thursday

One of my new favorite blogs is Five days...Five Ways. Abbie's blog is great!! Sometimes I need a little push to post and having a different prompt from her blog 5 days a week gives me that push!!
Today, the theme for Five Things Thursday is "Thankfulness" and it couldn't be more appropriate with Thanksgiving fast approaching!!
I have been so into this new job that I havent really thought about the 5 things I'm thankful for, right now so I'm glad this is the theme. And here's my list :)

I'm thankful for:
1) This new job! It has been such a blessing to be happy to go to work everyday, even if it means getting up at 6am!! I was so unhappy at my last job; I just didn't care. I'm glad I got out and have started a new chapter.

2) My family. They are such an amazing support system, albeit, a little dysfunctional and silly. I mean, what family doesn't have their idiosyncrasies?

3) I'm thankful for the funny ways life works out. In particular, Jackie has been home 3 times in the last 3 months to take care of certain things and I am so grateful for having been able to spend that time with her. And I am going to see Breaking Dawn, Part One tomorrow night with Jen!

4) Harry Potter. This may be silly to be thankful for Harry Potter, but I really am. I'm thankful that I can turn to Harry Potter when I'm upset, bored, or just can't sleep. The movies always help take my mind off things or help me pass out.

5) Finally, I'm thankful for my cats. Their numbers have decreased over the past two months with the passing of Gemma and Busta in September, but that just makes me cherish them even more. Plus, it's getting colder out and they make GREAT cuddlers!!

If you want to join in the Thursday thrills, just click the button for "Five Things Thursday" on the right side of my page :)


  1. What wonderful things to be thankful for! I think it's great to have such a positive outlook. It just helps with perspective, ya know?! So, THANK YOU for the reminder to live my life with THANKS! :)

  2. I know it's something I should be doing every day of the year, but it always comes to mind around this time. I have so much to be thankful and I'm glad I was able to remind you!
